11 Simpson Road, Ardmore, PA 19003
This is an important ministry in the church and a wonderful way for young members and adults to be involved in the parish. Contact the Rectory.
[email protected]
Good music enhances a liturgy. It contributes to the worship and praise of God. Those who participate in the music ministry serve an important role in Saint Colman Parish. If you are interested in joining our choir, please contact Saint Colman Music Director, Denise Rose.
[email protected]@gmail.com
Cantors are leaders of song at parish Masses and Liturgies. Instruction will be provided. If you are interested in serving Saint Colman as a cantor, please contact Saint Colman Music Director, Denise Rose.
[email protected]
Assisting the priest in distributing Holy Communion at Mass is also a special ministry. The Extraordinary Ministers provide a service to the parish by facilitating a timely and reverent period for the distribution of Holy Communion. Young adults and older are welcome to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
You will receive instructions. Please contact the Rectory.
[email protected]
Reading the Sacred Scriptures at Mass is a special ministry. The reader provides a service to the congregation by making the Word of God come alive. This ministry also enables the reader to be a more active participant in arish life. The parish welcomes new Readers who are of high school age or older. Instruction on reading at Mass will be provided. Please contact the Rectory.
[email protected]
Ushers perform an important ministry in every parish. They provide many services:
-Offering a warm welcome
-Holding the church door for the elderly
-Taking up the Offertory Collection
-Handing out parish bulletins
We are always in need of Ushers. Men and women, high school age and older, are encouraged to become an Usher. You can serve at the Mass you normally attend. Arrive about 10 minutes early and leave when Mass is finished.
You will be participating more actively in the life of the parish and providing a valuable service. Contact the rectory.
[email protected]
Meetings are held on once a month in September, November, January, March and May, under the guidance of Fr. Ames and Deacon John Rodgers. Members, with the help of parishioners, assist in various spiritual and corporal activities, lead by individual committee members throughout the year, in order to help the community. For more information, call the Rectory.
[email protected]